
data scientist, biophysicist, mac-unix zealot, pythonista

Binary Integer Programming With Python

My research is focused on biomolecular NMR and, as such, often involves transferring resonance assignments from one multidimensional NMR spectrum to another. In theory this should be a simple task, but it can be extremely time consuming due to small variations in the sample used to acquire the data or …

Please Update Your RSS Subscription

You are receiving this post because I’ve migrated my RSS feeds from FeedBurner to URI.LV. I attempted to automatically migrate all subscribers to the new feed but, due to consequences outside my control, that wasn’t possible. So, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could resubscribe using …

For Some, This is a Busy Week

The coming week is going to be an incredibly busy, but exciting, one for me. Besides having updated my blog so that I am now one of the cool kids with a Pelican-generated blog hosted at GitHub,1 the following things are also taking place:

To My Friend

This is, in so many ways, not the topic I envisioned for my second post. Sometimes life has other plans.

Hello, Part Deux

After much consternation and hand wringing, I am attempting to revive my blog. I've learned from previous deterrents and now have a clearer vision of the topics I'd like to cover. So, for the time being, I am simply saying "hello" and giving those interested the opportunity to subscribe.

In …